Summary: Nadir-viewing multispectral sensor overlooking Picatinny, NY from 20 km above sea level, with and without a cloud field. Included files: Picatinny_noclouds_RAD.bsq MCScene radiance cube for no-clouds case Picatinny_noclouds_RAD.bsq.hdr header file for above Picatinny_clouds_RAD.bsq MCScene radiance cube for clouds-present case Picatinny_clouds_RAD.bsq.hdr header file for above Picatinny_clouds.bsq.OD pixel LOS optical depth cube for clouds-present case Picatinny_clouds.bsq.hdr header file for above Picatinny_noclouds.bsq.SRC pixel LOS source surface reflectance cube for both cases Picatinny_noclouds.bsq.hdr header file for above readme_CSSM_lookup.txt a brief description of the Cloud Scene Simulation Model (CSSM) readme_Picatinny.txt this file Scenario: Source reflectance data = Landsat data of Picatinny, NY, atmosphere removed with FLAASH nBands = 6 first sensor band (chan, lambda, FWHM)= 1 485.0000 65.0000 nm last sensor band (chan, lambda, FWHM)= 6 2215.0000 270.0000 nm nxPixels = 301 nyPixels = 301 xPixelSize = 30 m yPixelSize = 30 m sensor view = nadir SensorAlt (m) = 20000. SolarZenith (deg)= 30.54 SolarAzimuth (deg)= 334.48 DEM used = no atmosphere model = MODTRAN mid-latitude summer aerosol model = MODTRAN rural sea level visibility at 550 nm = 23 km clouds = stratocumulus street cloud field generated by CSSM cloud fractional coverage = 40 % cloud scattering properties = MODTRAN stratus/stratocumulus cloud base altitude = 1 km max cloud thickness = 1.5 km max cloud OD at 550 nm = 20