Dr. Lawrence S. Bernstein
Ph.D. (Physical Chemistry) University of California, Berkeley, 1974
B.S. (Chemistry) University of Delaware, 1971
Dr. Bernstein is a co-founder of Spectral Sciences, Inc. He has managed and participated at the technical level in many experimental, prototype development, and theoretical projects. He managed the development of a prototype Infrared Moisture Monitor for detection of water leaks in the helium loops of a High Temperature Gas Reactor, and a prototype hydrogen chloride sensor for monitoring the environmental impact of Space Shuttle and other solid propellant rocket launches on surrounding communities. He is the lead developer of QUAC, the QUick Atmospheric Correction code, a very fast, empirical atmospheric correction code for hyperspectral or multispectral imagery that uses only in-scene information. His theoretical work includes development of the Standard Plume Ultraviolet Radiation Code (SPURC) and upgrades to the Composite High Altitude Radiation Model (CHARM) for the Air Force Astronautics Laboratory.